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Where are all your blog comments?

I’ve got an observation today on this blog post…


With the expansion of the interwebs, so too do the places where people hang out.

When I started blogging back in 2006, I hadn’t even heard of Facebook.

Bloggers used to be a small group.

Comments for your blog came only from other bloggers. There was no other internet media to cross over from.

So, now that we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (etc etc) comments directly on our blogs seem to be getting less and less.


We all do it – click on someone’s blog and check out how many comments they get each post. But no longer can we even consider the success of our blogs based on the number of comments.

We are also now responding to comments left for us which adds to the total comment count for that post. Most of us know now, you’ll have to halve the comment numbers to see how many were actually left.


So, I decided to put my WHOLE blog post in my Facebook feed most days. Why do I do this you may ask?

I’ve noticed a pattern. If 90% of the population are on Facebook and only 10% of them know how to blog (ie. know what it means to comment at the end of the post), then how am I going to interact and share my blog post with the other part of the population? I don’t want to only aim my blog at other bloggers. I want my blog to be read by people who don’t blog. If that makes sense.

Now I’m seeing more and more comments on my blog post over on Facebook. I might get a quick “hey, read your post, I liked it…” or whatever. I’ll get the same on Twitter.

This means, that people who don’t know how to blog, or are reading my post on a mobile device, don’t have to click through to the comments section on my blog, write their details, email address and then comment. I bet they’re already logged in to Facebook, and I’m as sure as hell they know how to use Facebook, so it’s easy for me to get more comments.


So, while comments might be lessoning on our blogs, they’re picking up on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. As a whole, our comments have never been stronger. They’re just in different places.

BUT it’s exhausting keeping tabs on who is commenting where! HA!


PS. Did you see yesterday’s tutorial on basic layout tips?

PPS. Winner of my $50 voucher at MagShop is Melissa from Bright Side Up!


Have a great day! It’s Friday! I have some appointments today and a wedding to go to tomorrow. Hope this rain stops we’ve been getting over night. The wedding is in Albury. We’re not taking the kids (!). It will be a real family reunion with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents…. can’t wait!



  • Scandi Coast Home

    I comment right here…
    Have a great weekend……sounds like you have a good one lined up!!!
    I’ll expect Monday’s post to be late ;o)
    TM xx

  • Rhi @ Hummingbird's Song

    You know it’s funny, I was just thinking about this the other day. Back in 2007 I used to get so many comments from randoms, but now it’s reduced dramatically. The blogging world sure has changed in the last few years!

  • A-M

    The the words ‘blog comment’ make me feel so guilty. I need to set aside time each day to interact with my commenters. Life is so busy…. somethings gotta give. I’m slowly being dragged into facebook… great idea with the whole blog post over there.
    Enjoy your kiddie free time!
    A-M xx

  • stinkb0mb

    i am the complete opposite. i click through links left on facebook and twitter to read blog posts but if i want to leave a comment i ALWAYS leave it on the actual blog. comments left on facebook and twitter get lost too easily – if i take the time to read a post and then to put fingers to keyboard, i want the author to actually be able to find my comment and read it, hence why i take the time and effort to leave it on their blog.

    while i find that people don’t comment anywhere nearly as often as the used to on most blogs, the same old “big bloggers” get large amounts of comments and people just don’t seem to be bothered to leave comments on smaller to medium blogs – there doesn’t seem to be any comment love anymore, where you share your comments amongst a mixture of big, popular, medium and smaller blogs – share the love.

    i would much rather comment on a smaller to medium size blog where the author will actually read my comment [and possibly reply to it] than add yet another comment to otherwise tens or hundreds of comments on a bigger, more popular blog where i am less likely to get a reply and the author is possibly less likely to even read what i’ve written.

    great post and some definite food for thought!


    • Katrina (author)

      You’re the dream commenter! Ha! Sadly not everyone does this, nor has the time. Thanks for your comment! X

      • stinkb0mb

        LOL thanks. see i find that interesting too – “you’re the dream commenter” – am i? i find that a bit sad because what i do now, used to be what everyone did, it used to be “normal”, people used to read blogs and comment. sometimes that author would then click on your blog and read what you had to say and leave a comment, that could lead to a new follower. it’s how the blog and comment love got spread around.

        however social media has completely changed that and in my experience not for the good. for the bigger blogs, yes social media is brilliant, it gives them even more exposure but for the smaller blogger it can sometimes just be another way you feel insignificant or ignored.

        it’s amazing how quickly the blogging scene changes and how we interact with each other.

        cheers for the conversation, it’s certainly an interesting one to have!


  • Linda

    Hi Katrina,
    I like to keep my blog and facebook pages separate, my blog is for all my decorating, craft and gardening happenings mostly and I like to share that with other people who are also interested in those persuits, my facebook page is for my family and old friends to keep in touch with the happenings of our family life. I think it all comes down to time blogging takes more time and facebook is quick and easy.
    Cheers Linda

    • Katrina (author)

      Thanks for your comment Linda 🙂 I have a ‘business’ Facebook page that I use. I do have a private one I keep for family and friends too. X

  • Vic @ Cush & Nooks

    I completely agree with you Katrina. I thought it was just that Kiwis were a bit behind when it came to the blogging world. Once I connected to Facebook the response was phenomenal – Kiwi women love it, and I get many comments over there. It is mainly other bloggers that comment directly on my blog. But I have had ‘non-blogger’ friends say that they tried to leave a comment and it was too hard – I guess FB is easier for many! xxx

  • deb

    Oh I just thought I was really boring an no one was reading anymore. Maybe there is hope yet!

  • Alyce {Blossom Heart}

    Agreed! I have non-blogger friends that will frequently comment on the post on FB and never on my blog because it just seems a little too daunting. Plus it’s usually easier to comment on FB when on your phone!!

  • Nicholle Olores

    Blog commenting is such a great way of having fun alone with myself, I am done doing blog commenting everyday about several months ago and I am learning got some great ideas to the things I also want to learn.

  • Kek

    I do a bit of everything – I read blogs in my feed reader and if the post interests me, I’ll click through and leave a comment. If the blogger also uses Networked blogs or something on Facebook, I might just leave a comment on the FB post. Plus I use my phone to read blogs at work (shh!) and can’t always comment, because phones can be temperamental with some comment systems…

    I’ve been blogging since 2006 too, so I agree there have been a lot of changes. Maybe I comment a bit less than I used to back in the good old days 😉 but I try to get around and spread some blog love in whatever way I can.

  • Janene Samuel

    well I have to say I am new to all this social media and trying to keep up is a little depressing. My favourite social media is definately Facebook I love the combination of quick text and a photo and am definately more likely to like or leave a note on fb. I like everything in the one spot

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