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Rounding up the school year for 2013


My boys finish up school next Tuesday so the reports, photos and work books start to overflow from their school bags…

I was reflecting on how this year has been for them. It’s been a good one that I want to remember. I’m proud of them. Each year I usually have one child who doesn’t really love their teacher, but this year I can safely say they’ve all been lucky.. and it’s shown…

Who doesn’t love to brag about their kids? So here goes … 😉

My biggest kid has excelled in his sport and we have helped him with this. We will travel anywhere, practice every day until the sun goes down and make sure he misses out on nothing. My heart is bursting with pride at some of his big moments this year. He is learning the importance of trying hard. He’s had a teacher who he really respected too. I know he has occasionally given her a hard time, but at the end of the day he knows she ‘gets him’ and has been good to him.

My middle boy is really looking forward to year 3. He sailed through year 2 and he can’t wait to learn some more. He is clever and happy and never complains. I can’t wait to see what he can do next year! He’s 8 and he wants to know all of his times-tables before he starts again next year! Destined for good things this one. Love him.

It’s my baby child who has surprised me the most. I’ve talked about him before and to me he’s still a baby, although he’s 7. He always seems to just float through every thing and I always thought he’d live with me forever! He never seemed to want to try overly hard and I laughed at his laziness! However, I may have to take all of that back… this last term at school has surprised me. He seems to have just suddenly become so grown up and clever and is trying hard at everything. His knowledge has blown me away the last few weeks. If you have kids around this age you’ll know what I am talking about – when they stop being babies at school and suddenly become a little kid reading and writing like a pro! Especially boys! It’s like he went to sleep a baby and woke up a kid! I attribute every bit of this to his teacher. Chevy has loved her so much. He has wanted to please her all year and she has been the best teacher any of my kids have had. I hope our school gets to keep her for a long time. Some of her approach to teaching has been different to what I’ve seen with my other kids, but it works! I’ve seen a kid who I thought was lazy and funny and silly become a clever and dedicated student.

How lucky are we to live in Australia with some great teachers?

How has your year been with your kiddies?


  • Emma Carroll

    A beautiful read Katrina! Watching our kids grow and learn and mature is truly a blessing!!

  • Susan Blesing

    With two teachers in the family, it is always pleasing to hear parents express their appreciation of good teaching skills. Never be concerned of expressing too much love and pride for your boys, I believe they will grow into ‘stronger’ adults because of it 🙂

  • Judi Mills

    HAHAHAHA – Same, I was having a good old laugh about ‘blot’ too, hehe

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