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Declutter time!

Move fast.Let it go.Don't overthink it.”-1

I’ve been feeling the urge for a few weeks now… and the end of the school holidays confirmed it – it’s declutter time around here. The change in the weather did it for me yesterday. I pulled every single item of clothing out of my boy’s bedrooms and starting culling and passing them down. It opened up a can of worms (as it always does when you start culling!), so now I feel like I have to move on to every room in the house.

I’m not a hoarder and I don’t keep everything I have ever been given, but I am realistic. I live in a house full of males and sometimes the cupboards, under the lounges, the drawers, the shelves… they all get full of stuff. I let it go for a while and it doesn’t bother me, but then suddenly I am so overwhelmed I have those yellow garbage bags out and I am filling them like there is no tomorrow….

I only follow 3 simple rules and create piles…

  1. Throw out
  2. Donate
  3. Sell

That’s easy.

I was on Pinterest looking this morning and there were thousands of decluttering tips yet some are so ridiculous and time consuming! Who needs 10 steps before they declutter? You just need 3! Well, truth be known I sometimes only need the 2 – throw out & donate. I’ve had my use out of whatever it is and selling it can be time consuming so I need to move on. I will always donate when I can. Uniforms, clothes, toys, cushions…

I don’t declutter slowly either. I’m manic and need the job done asap. No I’m not pregnant but it’s like that nesting feeling hits me and I can’t stop haha!

Are you good at decluttering?

I’m on a mission people… wish me luck!


  • Yvette Wilson

    Same, I am a fast at decluttering. Love a good clean out and just did one when I got home from holidays.

    • Katrina (author)

      Strangely addictive! Ha!

  • Britt

    We have just renovated our WIR’s and put in a new Ikea Pax system. I actually never realised how much crap I had until I started putting all my clothes, etc back in. For the first time in my life I am donating 18 pairs of shoes to charity (I never part with my shoes) but it HAD to be done!!!

    • Katrina (author)

      Oh wow… 18! That’s awesome – go you! X

  • Julia Walsh

    I usually have 4 piles – keep, charity, throw out & the maybe pile! You have just inspired me to get rid of the maybe pile!!

  • Nicole Gray

    I’m awful at letting go of our children’s things. I think I’m down to just two space bags of the girls special baby clothes… They’re only clothes for heavens sake but they’re so hard to let go of!

  • Ann Steward

    Nic, think of the special ones mum kept for you and find similar wonderful ones to hold for Piper, Lexi and Ben.

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