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I always doubt my big plans


Are you a goal setter? A planner? Do you read all the motivation stuff going around and try to “create your own frequency”? I just don’t know where I sit with it all most of the time.

I always preach the “ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE” mantra, but sometimes I just don’t know and doubt it all!

Like there was a time I ripped up all my goals and started again. And over the last few weeks I have been writing stuff down (the new year and all that) and setting some goals. I even bought the #BlogYeah planner (and it’s a beauty!). I started writing in it too because it’s so pretty and organised. I wanted this year to be good for me in the blogging world. The last half of last year wasn’t great. Anyhoo, I thought I’d start the year fresh and positive and I started writing goal lists…

Then in the last 3 days a few of my freelance gigs fell through. Just like that. It was like dominoes. I am a bit sad and got a little teary, but I am totally fine 🙂 It just got me thinking about all this goal list writing! Am I jinxing myself? Because I feel like I am. I think maybe I’m better to just wing it and go with the flow. I get less disappointed that way.

What do you reckon? Are you a believer in writing the goals down, or do you just get angry when none of them seem to happen?

Love, Curiously Me. XX


  • Tracee Goldspink

    I am a Big believer ???? I have a vision board hanging in the office.
    I have short term and long term goals, work & personal great feeling when I need to do a new one as most of the board is complete.

  • Kirby Cotterill Schofield

    I write daily lists to help me stay on track…… i try….. encouraging quotes on the back of my bedroom door which actually hasn’t been shut for a while thanks to a basket of folded clothes they is breeding…. (daily list failure there clothes in fold put away) ridiculous goals on odd bits of paper that i look back at when i come across it in a pile of ‘important papers’ at tax time and go ‘oh shit i forgot about that’ lol
    I am just trying to be positive and take each day as it comes…. I would love to have everything planned out and totally achieve my goals but i think i am scared of success….. is there such a thing?

  • Charmaine

    I never set goals……. As soon as I do it’s like a switch turns in my head saying, oh I can’t do that….. And I dont????
    I’m not even sure why I do that .
    I love to write lists though, I love routine but my life has none….. Irregular work hours, home based business and a fruit property that hubby and I run doesn’t allow me the luxury to set a routine ???????? but all in all I am happy and grateful and that is all that matters ????????????

  • Libby

    I have goals in my head but I never write them down. I usually achieve them but if I don’t, I don’t sweat it as sometimes life takes a new unthought of direction ( or the unplanned happens that you can’t control) and I don’t want to be rigid. Keeps the doors open and life is way more exciting and I open . Also who need the self guilt/disappointment if you don’t manage to achieve? Not this chicky. I heard something interesting the other day re goals. If you share them then you are less likely to achieve them as the naming them will give you enough satisfaction ( or something like that ).

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