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5 things every stylish home should have

There are 5 things that definitely pop up in all the stylish homes I see on Pinterest. I think I need a break from Pinterest because there are too many lovely things to look at and before I know it I’ve been there for 2 hours! Ha!

I wrote a list of things I noticed as I was scrolling around on there. There were certain items that some seriously classy homes all shared in common. Check them out…

statement floor rug

A statement rug

Gorgeous rugs are everywhere at the moment. The patterns and styles are really changing. Like this one above. It’s beautiful and really makes a statement. If furniture is subdued you can pick up a flare for style in the rug. This is one of mine.

gallery wall
A Gallery wall

Gallery walls are still as popular as ever. Real landscape photography prints are on trend. However you do a gallery wall (whether you have matching frames or not), they always pack a punch. Here’s how you create a gallery wall.

floor lamp
A floor lamp

Hasn’t the floor lamp got very trendy? I remember my Nan having a floor lamp back in the day. Now they’ve become almost a must-have in the living room. Also if you’re stuck on how to fill a corner just grab a floor lamp and a plant and you’re done!

indoor plants

I don’t need to say much here because we all know how indoor plants have almost become a decorating staple haha! I’ve written heaps of posts on indoor plants if you want to check those out. Finding the right one can be tricky, but they are such a cheap addition to your decorating items.

coffee table

Coffee table

A great coffee table is important. I like this one above with the timber where the couches/chairs are positioned around the table. Rooms without a coffee table tends to make the room too floaty and has no structure.

There you go, have you got all 5?

Pictures 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5


  • Sue Woodgate

    Elise Paulger we got 4 out of 5. We are on point.

  • paris

    I love the couch in the gallery wall point…..any chance you know designer?

    • Katrina (author)

      I’m not sure sorry!

  • Graysonau

    Thanks for sharing nice information amazing work.

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