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Where do you put your cords?

I am a corda-phobe. I am allergic to them in every way.
I have been writing organising posts everywhere this week. See all my posts on this blog below and over here.
So here is a trick I did in my office…..
What on earth do we do with all of this? Modems, cords, double adapters…. can’t breathe at the sight of them.
Really I can’t live with it. I have to have a plan. I need a system. Get me some organisation!
I have an idea….
Will it work? I cut the side out too so they can ‘breathe’.
And… TA DA! I needed boxes for all the cords! They include the modem, printer cords, lamp, ipod dock, phone, laptop stuff….. On the right side of the boxes remember I cut the sides out? But you can’t even see that!
Below the desk is the power point and phone outlet. There are only 2 appropraite cords running to those sockets! I think I am very clever.
People always ask me where is all my stuff?? Look how cute this cupboard is… then look inside!
ARRRGGGHH! There is all is. Badly painted, badly organised (I am realistic people!). But it all has a place and nothing is scattered on my desk, chair, floor… But I know where everything is and what I need.
Have a great ORGANISING week.


  • Alison

    You are one clever cookie!
    We will all be cutting the sides out of boxes right now
    Thank god that there is some sort of 'mess'(pretty neat looking mess) inside that cute cabinet.

  • nbeltane

    love the idea of the boxes very clever. i had to giggle when i read that you have two powerpoints under the desk. In the barn, i set one of the bedrooms up as a scrapping room, and i put 12 (yes 12), powerpoints (4 on three of the walls) into the room when we built it, originally i wanted the power strips that go around the walls, hubby wasnt into the idea though).

  • Jane

    Yes that is very clever indeed. I loathe cords, and I do something similar. My desk at work has a recessed bit against the wall and you can shove them all down there out of sight. That also works.

  • Kerry

    That was pretty damn smart! I have an ikea box on my desk that may just do the trick although I could never manage the neatness of your space…not in a million years!! If you could see the mess now you would need hospitalisation!

  • livinglifeasme

    Love it! I am allergic to cords!!! I must try something like that. Clever girl you are. xx

  • Julie-Ann

    Wow very impressive and such a clever idea:)

  • Sarah

    Ohhh you are speaking my language! I too hate power cords….that's why I have a cordless mouse & keyboard!
    I have been known to sit for ages & untangle all of the power cords that go behind the TV & other associtated technology & either band them up or use black tape to hold them up so they are not visable from the front of the TV cabinet. I do it with everything…the computer, the TV's in the girls rooms, you name it it gets tucked away! I love your box idea, very clever!

  • Tina

    Oh those cords are my pet peeve Katrina and unfortunately my hubby loves electronic equipment of every variety known to man!! Love your boxes idea:) I love your cupboard too:) Hope you are having a wonderful week ~ Tina xx

  • Shaz

    Ooooh yes, love this idea. For the past month I have been organising my whole kitchen in readiness for my son's 18th birthday party. Oh my goodness. It is so much easier being organised isn't it. I will be checking back here regularly. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Amanda

    What a great idea you clever cookie!! I hate cords so might have to give this a go…

  • Louise (Table Tonic)

    Looooovely office!
    And a gorgeous solution to possibly the biggest (and most common!) dilemma on the planet.
    Well done!

  • Thea

    Wow! I was just complaining about this cord problem to my husband yesterday and thinking along the same lines as your box solution. Perfect and I can't wait to try something similar!

  • Tina ~ tina gray dot me

    That is a BRILLIANT idea! *yoink*

  • Steph

    Love this idea! Also living your gorgeous desk – where did you get it from? We are in the process of redoing our home office – so thankyou for the inspiration!

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