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Garden Steppers – creating visual interest in your garden

Do you need to define a path in your garden? Maybe you’ve been thinking that your garden needs ‘something’ but you’re just not quite sure what? Stepping stones could be the answer! Stepping stones often contrast with the green surrounds of the lawn and plants creating visual interest. Available in a range of colours, textures and materials there will be a solution to suit your garden style. Here are some ways you can use steppers in your garden…

The side of the house

Often a forgotten and neglected part of our homes, you can create this path by using large pavers. They are ideal because they will fill the path leaving very little room for weeds to pop up! Fill the spaces with a contrasting coloured gravel and choose a low maintenance plant to add colour. Keep it simple and functional.

Edged with Succulents

Another great solution for the side of the house or a path to the shed. The colour and texture of the succulents work well against the smooth surface of the stepping stone.


Fill a large area with steppers

I particularly love this idea. Using large steppers on an area that would otherwise be all grass creates a statement. The perfect compliment to the blue pool.


Lead the way

Save your lawn and use rectangular concrete blocks to show people where you want them to walk.



Large concrete pavers have been used symmetrically to create a checkerboard pattern that leads to a seating area at the rear of the garden. I love how the grass is popping up between – it softens the overall effect. You’d need to keep the whipper snipper up to these though!


Mismatched Brick

Something a little bit quirky and fun! Why not use odd bricks for an eclectic look?

Some tips for using stepping stones in your garden..

  • Are they going to be functional and serve a purpose or purely decorative?
  • If creating a path that will be used daily, consider the texture and size of the steppers so that you don’t cause a tripping hazard.
  • What will you use to fill the spaces around the steppers?
  • Have fun and experiment!

Happy gardening!

❤️ KC

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