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Browsing CategoryA day in my life

Today I am going to see my Grandparents in a town called Urana. The population is only about 1,000 people. The little town has been dying over the years, but I still love the place. My Mum’s parents have lived there all their lives. My Mum grew up there, went…

Just like that Christmas Day is over. We’ve been counting down for months. The boys are tired and now we get to relax. Below is a photo of Amie and I on Christmas Day. Not long after this she became ill with a violent vomiting bug. Poor thing. She was…

I started something and I created a monster! I thought I might clean out the cupboards to start making way for all the junk and stuff that’s about to enter our house during the festive season. One thing turned in to another and now I have crap everywhere. No one…

Still just a normal Mum back into my old life. All I need is them (and that person taking the photo!)… Thanks for following my blog and reading it via RSS! But you know, I am so much more awesome in real life over here: Katrina from The Block. website | twitter…

I’m having a birthday this week and I really want a new camera! I’ve been going on about it for ages… Julian Cress (the boss) at The Block is an awesome photographer and has every bit of gear… He takes all the fun shots of us at the houses or…

My friends and I went out and about in Wagga on Saturday night and they surprised me with a few little presents I can wear while I am away. But, because I am such a clean, sweet and innocent mother, I will only show you the ‘G RATED’ presents 😉  Clean underwear…

Hey friends! What’s been happening?  It’s been a little crazy in the Chambo’s house this week. I have finally realised how crazy my life may become. I am scared and terrified, but I am still going to do it. I don’t know what my rules will be on blogging (well…

I went on a waterslide like a teenager. I laughed so hard I almost had an asthma attack. I swam a lap of the pool and almost died. I did butterfly just to show off. I played with my boys all day. I ate a gaytime. I have some awesome…